05 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of CBD Oil in Mental Health

The risk of mental health disorders like stress, anxiety and depressive disorders, insomnia, alcohol and drug dependence, social phobia, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, and eating disorders has dramatically increased over the past few decades. Each condition uniquely impacts a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
The word "mental health disorder" makes it abundantly evident that there is an issue with the mind. But is mental health disease purely psychological, or does it also have a physical cause? Scientists are continually discovering more about mental health diseases, their origins, and how these illnesses alter the fundamental mechanisms that keep the brain functioning. Like many diseases, mental illness can vary from mild to severe. People with mental illnesses may not always appear sick, especially if their condition is moderate. Other people might exhibit more overt symptoms, including confusion, restlessness, or withdrawal.
Most of the EU population suffers from a mental health condition at least once in their lifetime, and there are indicators that mental health problems are rising. According to a conservative estimate, 27% of adult EU citizens have had at least one mental health condition in the preceding 12 months. In any given year, it is estimated that 82,7 million people are impacted overall. Although the causes of this evolution are still unclear, they appear to be most likely related to socioeconomic changes brought about by modern life in industrialised countries (1)

At various points in life, we can all feel "sad" or "blue." Although most of us have had some contact with mental illness, do we truly grasp it or know what it is? Many of our assumptions are wrong. It's interesting to note that there are some blurred lines between mental illnesses and neurological or brain disorders. Not all brain conditions fall under the heading of mental illnesses. Brain problems like epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, ADHD, autism, and multiple sclerosis are not mental illnesses but rather neurological diseases.
Mental health illnesses like anxiety and depression are brain disorders that entail intricate patterns of disruptions in cognition (like perception, attention, and memory), affect and emotion (like panic attacks), physical functioning (like appetite and heart rate variability), and behavior. These patterns and disruptions are all related to disturbances in the transmitter systems of the brain and central nervous system. A mental health illness is a medical disorder that affects a person's thinking, feelings, or behavior (or all three) and results in distress and operational challenges for the individual (2)

Must Read: CBD (Cannabidiol):  The Most Promising 'Miracle' Cannabis Compound


In this Blog, we will discuss the Benefits of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol), a miraculous compound of cannabis, in more commonly prevalent mental health illnesses.


Benefits of CBD Oil in Depression or Depressive Disorder: 

According to estimates, 3.8% of the world's population suffers from depression, with 5.0% of adults and 5.7% of persons over 60 years old being affected. Around 280 million individuals worldwide suffer from depression (23). Depression is a common but significant mood illness (sometimes known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression). It produces severe symptoms that interfere with your ability to function daily, including sleeping, eating, and working.

Everybody experiences sadness or is overwhelmed occasionally. However, depression is a persistent sense of being empty, depressed, or unable to enjoy life. It may seem to occur for no apparent reason. It differs from grief and other feelings a person could have after trying life situations.

CBD is believed to have an impact on depression as a result of its capacity to regulate serotonin and norepinephrine's cerebral neurotransmission and its active binding to 5HT-1A receptors. Additionally, CBD promotes neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, both of which are important in developing and treating depression (3456).

Even some studies have found that administering CBD has a sizeable antidepressant-like effect (14). Like the drug lithium, which may be helpful for depression and mood stabilization, CBD has been discovered to be a microglial stabilizer (15). In published case studies, individuals receiving selective serotonin repute inhibitor (SSRI) therapy for depression who successfully used CBD products reported much fewer depressed symptoms (16).


Benefits of CBD Oil in Anxiety Disorders: 

Anxiety is a typical and generally healthy reaction that, in some circumstances, can be helpful. It can warn us about potential threats and assist with planning and attention. When anxiety disorders are present, there is excessive dread or anxiety as opposed to the usual feelings of apprehension or anxiety. Nearly 30% of adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, making it the most prevalent of all mental health disorders.

In everyday life, many people are concerned about their health, finances, or family issues. However, anxiety disorders go beyond momentary apprehension or fear. For those who suffer from an anxiety disorder, the anxiety persists and may even worsen over time. The symptoms might affect daily tasks like work performance, academic progress, and interpersonal relationships. Anxiety disorders come in many forms, such as generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and many phobia-related conditions. However, there are effective treatments for anxiety disorders, including CBD.

In studies looking into the function of CBD in anxiety, systemic CBD administration had reduced fear-related neurons (c-Fos positive neurons), while targeted CBD infusion in the amygdala neurons had reduced anxiety-related behaviours (07). Another study revealed that CBD alters cerebral blood flow in the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and cingulate cortex—brain areas that are involved in anxiety symptoms (08).

Similar to the way that several previously published human studies have, CBD has shown some promising outcomes in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Brain imaging studies on the impact of CBD on the amygdala revealed a reduction in amygdala activation following CBD treatment (09). The symptoms of social anxiety decreased in placebo-controlled research, and oral administration of 600 mg of CBD during a test of public speaking reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment, and discomfort in speech (10, 11).


Benefits of CBD Oil in Acute Stress Disorder (ASD):

 Stress is the body's response to harmful circumstances, whether they are actual or only perceived as such. A physiological response in our bodies happens when we perceive a threat, enabling us to take action to stop harm from happening. "Fight-or-flight" or the stress response are terms used to describe this. Our heart rate and breathing rate increase muscles tense up, and blood pressure rises due to the stress response. We're ready to take action now. It is a form of self-defense. Our bodies are built to handle stress in moderation. However, humans cannot manage persistent, long-term stress without adverse effects.

The psychological diagnosis of acute stress disorder (ASD) is very recent. Immediately following a stressful event, a person with ASD develops psychological distress. ASD is a temporary condition; symptoms usually last from three to thirty days following the traumatic experience. People are identified as having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if symptoms last more than a month.

Patients with PTSD experience nightmare symptoms that last for a lifetime and antidepressants are typically used as treatment. Case-control studies have shown CBD is helpful for PTSD-related nightmare symptoms (12). In a different trial, oral CBD was given open-labeled to PTSD patients, and the patient's symptoms were assessed. About 91% of the patients said their nightmare symptoms had lessened. No patients experienced any adverse effects (13).


Benefits of CBD Oil in Insomnia and Sleep Disorders:

The biological process of sleep is complex. While asleep, our bodies and minds still function, even though unconscious. They perform many crucial tasks that support our continued health and optimal performance. As a result, when we don't get enough good sleep, it affects more than just our energy levels. Our daily functioning, thinking, and physical and mental health may all be impacted.

Sleep disorders are collectively called conditions that disrupt the sleep cycle, quality, or duration and impair a person's capacity to perform daily tasks while awake. Sleep-wake difficulties frequently co-occur with other mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, or cognitive disorders. Insomnia is the most prevalent of the more than 80 different types of sleep disorders. Other sleep disorders include narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, parasomnia, circadian rhythm disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea.

Numerous pieces of research have examined the role of endocannabinoids in the circadian rhythm and how that relates to sleep disorders. As a result, it is believed that CBD may impact sleep. Fundamental studies on humans revealed a general rise in total duration and quality of sleep with several sleep disorders. CBD seems to have a dose-dependent sedative effect; higher quantities of CBD are known to have a sedative effect, whereas lower amounts of CBD have been proven more stimulating. According to two published research, a CBD dose of 160 mg per day increased sleep duration and reduced nocturnal awakenings in people with insomnia (21, 22).


Benefits of CBD Oil in Schizophrenia and Psychosis:

Despite not being as prevalent as other severe mental illnesses, Schizophrenia can be the most persistent and incapacitating. Unlike what the general public thinks, Schizophrenia is not a split or multiple personality disorder. Schizophrenia is characterised by psychosis, a type of mental illness in which a person cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. People with psychotic conditions occasionally become detached from reality.

The world may appear to be a tangle of perplexing ideas, images, and noises. They may act in a very odd and even startling manner. Additionally, it impairs a person's capacity to identify the signs and symptoms of this ailment they are experiencing. A psychotic episode occurs when a person experiencing it loses touch with reality and has an abrupt shift in personality and conduct. Many individuals with it can nevertheless lead happy, fulfilling lives even though their condition can occasionally be severe but is manageable.

Although Schizophrenia does not currently have a known cause or cure, researchers are pointing toward novel and safer treatments thanks to advances in genetics and behavioural sciences. With some uncommon possibilities like the usage of cannabidiol (CBD), these strategies hold the prospect of developing new, more effective therapeutic options. Even so, the majority of published research on the impact of CBD on schizophrenia-induced psychosis is in the form of individual case studies. Still, CBD has been found to reduce the symptoms of psychosis (17).

CBD was found to be equal to the traditional antipsychotic drugs haloperidol and clozapine in reducing stereotypy brought on by dopaminergic agonists and inhibiting the hyperlocomotion brought on by amphetamines and ketamines (18, 19). Comparable clinical improvements were seen in both patient groups, although CBD was associated with fewer adverse effects. A similar human trial found that 600 mg of CBD was well tolerated and had no negative impact on mood (20).


The Bottom-line:

Numerous prevalent mental health disorders, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, have been researched concerning CBD oil's possible function in reducing their symptoms. Cannabidiol has the potential to improve brain and mental health in addition to helping people deal with mental health issues.

There is still much to learn about the possible applications of CBD, and research into how CBD affects particular illnesses is still ongoing. Remember that some health advantages are linked to using CBD and THC together rather than CBD alone. You can therefore try Full-Spectrum CBD oil by Ancient Therapy.

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Consult a professional before using CBD if you're interested in supporting or managing a health condition. They can guide you in making the best product selection and in determining whether it is appropriate to use CBD products in your daily routine.

So that was it for today. I hope the advantages of CBD for mental health are helpful to you. Have you tried CBD for Mental Health? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments section.

Have a Good Day!



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